Three lines to call for divine intervention

If you let it, travel invites you to interesting meetings. Meetings that teach you something about other people, about the world and, more surprisingly, about yourself. My previous search for purpose and an smidgen of inner peace was long ago…

Trying to catch a break or the almost trek to Everest Base Camp

–Desperate to catch a break, the only break I seem to catch is that which breaks me in two. — I woke up to dreams of Mt. Everest. In my nocturnal delusion Dexter had, to my surprise, decided that I…

Escapism or a lack of purpose

I haven’t been writing much lately. Inspiration left me long ago to go fuck someone else into mediocre poetry or some bullshit paragraphs of gibberish no-one reads. In her place, the brain-dead nothingness of a purposeless life has made herself ever-present…

Growing Up – or the Freedom of not Giving a Shit

Suggested soundtrack: Somewhere I read that happiness’ name is “it’s not my problem”. It’s a cynical truth and I guess it is the last piece of childhood that dies: the belief that we matter, the hope we can alter the course of history,…