While days are passing by, and swallows each moment whole

Large parts of my life were defined by such uncontrollable emotional chaos and impenetrable darkness. The desperate pursuit of unreachable goals, living in the shadow of the highest of expectations, vivid imagination beyond reality, the constant search for that missing…

Singapore: The bubbling kettle of cultures

The intense smell of durian infused our tiny Chinatown hotel room drenched in mould and poor interior design. It is a remarkable improvement from our nightmare bunker in Indiantown the morning before, where my claustrophobia kept me up almost as…

Människoöden (human fates): the man with the white speckled beard

Today I had a rare opportunity. I was given the chance to look at the outward silhouette of a mentally ill man and deal with the situation like a reaponsible adult. I asked myself what would Jesus do? Buddha? …Sherlock…

In the country that smells like rotten eggs and farts: A weekend away in Iceland

Clothed in white beauty, Iceland lives up to its name. Icy patches lead the roads to the sights, the cities and the landscape. There are two kinds of winter tourists in Iceland: those with spikes on their shoes and those…