Truth and blatant lies, and Cheers! to tell the difference

(note to self: the censored, second version) Like a dam bursting, the drapery falls from the theatre of delusion. Raw and exposed I look onto the scene so long hidden, perplexed at the complexity of the nothingness before me.  The…

“Tuff tuff”, says the train into the uncertain

(Written on no-Internet Friday morning)   Yesterday evening as I entered the apartment after a day of productive work (I have absolutely no time for not being productive anymore) I was completely love-bombarded! On top of me a furry, little monster…

The dirty-clothes vs. half-read-book war – Or simply spring cleaning

Yesterday I made the argument that the most interesting thing that happened recently in my life is the addition of a bookshelf in my room.  Let me fill you in. For months my room had been in a state of…